Notes from Denver: Travel, Being Present, and Change 🍃

Hello from CO. 🏔 

Travel, I have missed you. I traveled briefly to NY, San Antonio, and New Hampshire last year, but I haven’t really left Jonesboro for more than 4 days in a over year because 1) I’ve had to work so much to financially support myself as a solo person, and 2) because when Lindsey and I opened Story and we chose to be very hands on in our business, especially within the first year. We would alternate taking a weekend trip, but like a new mom, I couldn’t be away from my baby too long. 

Normally, I try to travel somewhere at least every 6 months. I crave travel, but mostly, I crave cities. I think I’m so drawn to NYC because of the diversity of people, the different careers people pursue in the arts, and the overall different mindset that people have (and of course, the sky high buildings and fashion). However, I’ve been in the Boulder/Denver area for just one day, and I can see why people love it. Nobody looks at me with a strange eye when I want to sit outside and work, if I wanted to get up early to do yoga, or when I talk about how healthy I usually eat. I’ll be in CO for a week, and I’m so happy to have my boyfriend show me around the city he grew up in. It fills my heart up.

For me, travel is a part of my wellness. I used to get really anxious when I traveled because it was always go, go, go. Vacation time usually never really felt relaxing as much as it was packed that I needed a vacation from my vacation when I got home. However, over the years I’ve learned to set boundaries of self care. I participate in as many things as I can with those I’m around and cherish the activities and quality time, but sometimes I just tell the people I’m with that I want to rest, read, explore new restaurants and places, that I NEED to exercise and meditate, or sometimes that I just want to chill or be alone.  I’m somebody who is pretty routine, so when I travel I now make it a priority to find time to do yoga in the morning, take 5 minutes to meditate (even if I have to get up earlier), take a walk in nature, journal, or detour to try restaurants that are top-notch and innovative. 

Setting those boundaries is something that I used to not be able to do, but I can so easily do now. I’m sure that just comes with age, autonomy, and traveling with the right people. I’m not too rigid, but enough to keep some stability.

What I love about travel is that it makes you realize how small we really are, but how much we are all the same. We stay in our own worlds where the problems seem monumental, but stepping outside of the usual daily routine always seems to put things into perspective. It also makes you go back to your own home with a new set of eyes. When traveling, our senses are sharpened to take in all of the new things around us. We then take those fresh eyes with us when we get home. We do the laundry just a little bit different. We appreciate the routine things in your life that bring you joy. It’s refreshing, needed, and I think everyone needs to see new places and meet new people. We are bred for connection and experiences.

Change; that is also a form of wellness.  Remember, nothing is constant. What you have right now won’t be what you have in a year, so enjoy it, soak all of it in (even if it’s “bad” or “hard”), because it won’t last forever. It’s actually a beautiful thing, because it makes it all the more special. Right now, my heart is full. Each year really does continue to get better; I am so grateful for everything I’ve had to endure, everything I’ve created right now, and everything that is to come.

But maybe that’s just the eternal optimist in me. 🖤

Lastly, I just have to say how fucking grateful I am that we have build the BEST team at Story to where I can leave for a week and don’t have worries leaving and actually get to go on a longer trip again. My soul needed it. I couldn’t have said the same 1 year ago just a few months into this business. I also feel so so fortunate to have a job, family, and life that I love so much that I don’t dread going back. 

You create your life, you create your travel. Let it be a part of your wellness. 🤍 



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